domingo, noviembre 06, 2005

NO ES SÓLO PARÍS la que está ardiendo; desde hace días se están produciendo altercados protagonizados por jóvenes musulmanes en Århus (Dinamarca) la segunda ciudad en importancia tras Copenhague.

Ya hace días que la prensa local está informando de ello:
Rosenhøj Mall has several nights in a row been the scene of the worst riots in Århus for years. "This area belongs to us", the youths proclaim. Sunday evening saw a new arson attack.

Their words sound like a clear declaration of war on the Danish society. Police must stay out. The area belongs to immigrants.

Four youths sit on the wall in Rosenhøj Mall sunday afternoon, calling themselves spokesmen for the groups, that three nights in a row have ravaged and tried to burn down the restaurant and other stores.

Around the parking lot, cars with youngsters from the immigrant community are swarming, and many are walking around, greeting each others with a sense of victory after the worst riots in Århus in years.

Every night 30-40 youts took part, especially immigrants.

Only two were arrested.

That was a victory.
En nuestro país, Google News no muestra absolutamente nada buscando Århus, y tampoco buscando la forma más habitual empleada aquí, Aarhus.