viernes, septiembre 24, 2004

The remains of an entire busload of people, including women and children, have been discovered near Hilla, Iraq's interim prime minister, Ayad Allawi, claimed yesterday.

The interim government was continuing to uncover many atrocities committed during Saddam Hussein's rule, he told editors in London.

"We underestimated the scale of what happened in Iraq at that time," he said. "So far we have discovered 262 mass graves, with tens of thousands of people. It's unbelievably shocking - truckloads, busloads of people buried."

There had been a recent discovery of a busload of people buried alive at Hilla, an hour's drive south of Baghdad. "Men, women and children - they were still sitting in their seats," he said. "Innocent people who rejected Saddam and his rule."

[...] Hilla was the site of one of the worst massacres to take place under SaddamHussein's rule. After the first Gulf war in 1991, thousands of Shias and Kurds rose up against Saddam, expecting the arrival of US forces. A mass grave at Hilla was found last year to contain the bodies of about 3,000 Shia who were rounded up and killed by Iraqi forces for allegedly taking part in the revolt.

The few witnesses who escaped the massacre confirm that minibuses full of Shias were driven into trenches. Ba'ath party loyalists then shot dead the passengers, before diggers buried the evidence.

Journalists who went to the scene discovered hundreds of mummified bodies, including those of women clutching babies. The watch on one exhumed corpse was still ticking, more than 10 years later.
(via The Command Post)

Diez años han transcurrido desde entonces, pero para tanta gente es como si nunca hubiese pasado nada.