sábado, octubre 30, 2004

LA TRANSCRIPCIÓN parcial de lo que dijo el tío Osama en el video:
He (Bush) adopted despotism and the crushing of freedoms from Arab rulers and called it the Patriot Act under the guise of combating terrorism.....

We had agreed with the (the Sept. 11) overall commander Mohammed Atta, may God rest his soul, to carry out all operations in 20 minutes before Bush and his administration take notice.

It never occurred to us that the commander in chief of the American forces (Bush) would leave 50,000 citizens in the two towers to face those horrors alone at a time when they most needed him because he thought listening to a child discussing her goat and its ramming was more important than the planes and their ramming of the skyscrapers. This had given us three times the time needed to carry out the operations, thanks be to God...
Para mi que el hombre compró el DVD de Fahrenheit 9/11 en Amazon o se lo ha bajado de eDonkey, porque se hace eco de todas sus tesis. Menos de una: dice que fueron él y los suyos los responsables del 11 de Septiembre; pero, ¿no habíamos quedado que todo fue una conspiración entre los neocons y el Mossad para justificar la política neoimperialista y belicista del cowboy de Texas y para enriquecer a Halliburton, la empresa de Cheney? Qué cosas.

ACTUALIZACIÓN. Traducción al español y comentarios en HispaLibertas.

ACTUALIZACIÓN II. Amplio repaso de las reacciones de la blogosfera anglosajona gracias a Joe Gandelman.

ACTUALIZACIÓN III. Jahd avisa en comentarios del análisis imprescindible en Belmont Club; Wretchard cree que se trata de una apenas oculta oferta de paz.

ACTUALIZACIÓN IV. Osama y Michael Moore, cara a cara (gracias a Fausta)

Remember when John Kerry told Matt Bai of The Times Magazine that he wanted to reduce the terrorists to a nuisance? Kerry vowed to mitigate the problem of terrorism until it became another regrettable and tolerable fact of life, like gambling, organized crime and prostitution.

That was the interview in which he said Sept. 11 "didn't change me much at all." He said it confirmed in him a sense of urgency, "of doing the things we thought we needed to be doing."

Well, the Osama bin Laden we saw last night was not a problem that needs to be mitigated. He was not the leader of a movement that can be reduced to a nuisance.

What we saw last night was revolting. I suspect that more than anything else, he reminded everyone of the moral indignation we all felt on and after Sept. 11.

Here was this monster who killed 3,000 of our fellows showing up on our TV screens, trying to insert himself into our election, trying to lecture us on who is lying and who is telling the truth. Here was this villain traipsing through his own propaganda spiel with copycat Michael Moore rhetoric about George Bush in the schoolroom, and Jeb Bush and the 2000 Florida election.

Here was this deranged killer spreading absurd theories about the American monarchy and threatening to murder more of us unless we do what he says.