miércoles, octubre 13, 2004

¡NO HABÍA ARMAS! ¡Ha sido una guerra basada en mentiras! ¡El trío de las Azores al TPI de La Haya por asesinos!
Hoping to unearth crucial evidence that could help in convicting deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, investigators said nine trenches in a dry riverbed at the Hatra site in northern Iraq contained at least 300 bodies, and possibly thousands.

Those buried included children still clutching toys.

"It is my personal opinion that this is a killing field," said Greg Kehoe, a US lawyer appointed by the White House to work with the Iraqi Special Tribunal.

"Someone used this field on significant occasions over time to take bodies up there and to take people up there and execute them".

"I have been doing grave sites for a long time, but I have never seen anything like this, women and children executed for no apparent reason," Kehoe said. "It's a perfect place for execution".

Kurdish victims

The victims are believed to be minority Kurds killed during 1987-88. One trench contains only women and children, apparently killed by small arms. Another contains only men, apparently killed by automatic gunfire.

Some of the mothers died still holding their children. One young boy still held a ball in his tiny arms.

International organisations estimate more than 300,000 people died under Saddam's 24-year rule and Iraq's Human Rights ministry has identified 40 possible mass graves countrywide.

Authorities hope careful investigations of the site will provide enough evidence to convict Saddam and other senior members of his regime.
¿¿Pero cómo?? ¿¿no habíamos quedado que era a Bush, Blair y Aznar a quien habría que juzgar y castigar por asesinos?? Y además, ¿¿noticia extraída no de Fox News o Libertad Digital, sino de al-Jazeera??

Ahora sí que no entiendo nada.

ACTUALIZACIÓN. Más en la BBC, incluyendo un detalle de verdadera depravación moral (y no, en este caso no es de Saddam ni de ninguno de sus muchachotes):
Mr Kehoe investigated mass graves in the Balkans for five years but those burials mainly involved men of fighting age and the Iraqi finds were quite different, he said.

"I've been doing grave sites for a long time, but I've never seen anything like this, women and children executed for no apparent reason," he said.

Mr Kehoe said that work to uncover graves around Iraq, where about 300,000 people are thought to have been killed during Saddam Hussein's regime, was slow as experienced European investigators were not taking part.

The Europeans, he said, were staying away as the evidence might be used eventually to put Saddam Hussein to death.
Ojalá se hubiesen preocupado antes por las vidas de los cientos de miles de hombres, mujeres y niños que están en fosas comunes como esta y que, a diferencia de Saddam, eran inocentes. Una cosa es estar en contra de la pena de muerte y otra entorpecer la acción de la justicia; sería perfectamente compatible, por respeto a las víctimas del genocidio en Iraq, ayudar a que se conociera la verdad, y al mismo tiempo abogar por que el castigo a Saddam no fuera la pena de muerte. En cambio, por lo visto hay que prefiere que no se sepa la verdad porque, de saberse, sería extraordinariamente difícil convencer a los demás de que el único castigo para ese criminal sanguinario consista en pasar plácidamente lo que le quede de vida en una cálida celda. Como tantas veces, como cada vez más a menudo, Europa cierra los ojos antes de afrontar la cruda realidad. Menudo ejercicio de inmadurez.