viernes, febrero 04, 2005

QUE NO, que ya pueden insistir que no va a servir de nada:
Citizens of Al Mudhiryiah (a small town in the "death triangle") were subjected to an attack by several militants today who were trying to punish the residents of this small town for voting in the election last Sunday.

The citizens responded and managed to stop the attack, kill 5 of the attackers, wounded 8 and burned their cars.

3 citizens were injured during the fire exchange. The Shiekh of the tribe to whom the 3 wounded citizens belong demanded more efforts from the government to stop who he described as "Salafis".
ACTUALIZACIÓN. Más sobre el incidente, aquí. Y, hablando de los resistentes, mirad qué gloriosos son reclutando discapacitados psíquicos y chavales con síndrome de Down (ya os comenté que fue uno de los episodios de violencia el día de las elecciones) para convertirlos bajo engaño en hombres-bomba.