EL FOMENTO DE LA INMIGRACIÓN -en buen número de personas procedentes del mundo islámico- y las medidas de reconocimiento del colectivo homosexual -incluyendo el mal llamado derecho al matrimonio- son políticas que, como han podido comprobar en la meca de la tolerancia, Amsterdam, pueden crear situaciones indeseadas (via Juan Pedro Quiñonero):
WHEN the editor of one of America’s leading gay magazines visited the world’s gay capital a fortnight ago, he assumed that he would be safe.Dudo que nuestro gobierno haya tenido en cuenta estos riesgos. Muy al contrario, por alguna extraña raz-erol-ón, son sólo las políticas intolerantes y homófobas de Ratzinger Z y sus secuaces las que merecen críticas y desvelos. Será porque no hay peligro de que éstos partan físicamente la cara a nadie.
But as Chris Crain, editor of the Washington Blade, was walking hand in hand with his boyfriend near one of the gay districts in Amsterdam, two men standing on a street corner spat at his face. He stopped to ask why, was called a “fag” and suddenly the two youths turned into seven.
Surrounded, Mr Crain was kicked to the ground by the gang and ended up in hospital with a broken nose and badly bruised face.
His attackers were Moroccan youths, blamed by Dutch gay rights groups for a disturbing rise of gay-bashing, as conservative Islamic culture clashes with Dutch liberalism.
For the first time, the Amsterdam Tourist Board has issued a warning to gay visitors to be careful in the city. In the first country to legalise homosexual marriage, gays are increasingly fearful of holding hands in public. Some have been chased out of their houses and middle-class gays are moving to rural areas for safety.
No quiero ser pájaro de mal agüero, pero ¿veremos episodios problemas similares a los de Holanda en Chueca, el Gaixample, o Sitges?
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