lunes, mayo 30, 2005

¿HABRÁ TUMULTOS y muertos en Roma, Santiago de Compostela o Sevilla cuando trascienda esta noticia (que, dicho sea de paso, casi todos los medios occidentales han tenido cuidado exquisito en ocultar)?
UK. May 27, 2005. More than 300 Muslim protestors set fire to a wooden cross outside the American Embassy in London last Friday 20th May.

The crowd, led by Omar Bakri Muhammad and Yassar al-Siri, were protesting against the alleged desecration of a Qur’an by American military interrogators at Guantanamo Bay. This followed claims by Newsweek magazine that a copy of the Qur’an had been put down a toilet. American and British flags were also burnt, and the protestors chanted calls for violence against the US and UK. Amongst the protestors were about 50 women, some of whom had brought their children.

At the time this protest took place, Newsweek had retracted their story about the alleged incident in Guantanamo Bay. Yet the cross-burning still took place, and has caused little interest in the British media.

Riots in Afghanistan about the same issue had already caused the deaths of 16 people.

Por si algún despistado o impermeable aparece por aquí por primera vez: el post es irónico y se trata de una pregunta retórica. Soy ateo, y lo que pretendo resaltar es el doble rasero de los seguidores del Islam. Dicho queda.