viernes, mayo 21, 2010

NEIL SCHULMAN, un escritor y cineasta norteamericano, va a demandar al gobierno estadounidense entero (inlcuido Obama), a la Reserva Federal, a la Union Europea, al FMI, a General Motors y a Grecia, por plagio: les acusa de haber fusilado su novela Alongside Nights (que podéis descargar gratis aquí):
Author/filmmaker, J. Neil Schulman, today announced his intention to file a lawsuit for copyright infringement of his 1979 novel, Alongside Night, which tells the story of the collapse of the American economy due to massive government overspending and the issuing of unbacked money and credit to pay the interest on the national debt.
Yo diría que tiene el caso ganado como el Barça de Helenio Herrera: sin bajar del autocar... y esperemos que no amplíe su demanda, no sé, a España.