sábado, junio 05, 2010

[ACTUALIZADO 5 veces] JODIDOS JUDÍOS. Leedlo; obviamente no es lo que parece.

ACTUALIZACIÓN. Los héroes de la Flotilla llegaron ayer a España:
El periodista valenciano David Segarra y Manuel Tapial y Laura Arau, pareja residente en Taradell (Barcelona) y miembros de la Asociación Cultura, Paz y Solidaridad Haydée Santamaría, aprovecharon el eco mediático para censurar el acto de "piratería" de Israel que ahora barajan denunciar ante la justicia.
Buena suerte convenciendo a los tribunales que ignoren la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar que establece que la piratería es un acto que sólo pueden cometer embarcaciones o aeronaves privadas o militares que se hayan amotinado (artículo 101, ver pdf)
"El Gobierno de España no ha prestado ningún tipo de ayuda, ni la más mínima. Los billetes de avión, todo, todo nos lo ha pagado el gobierno turco", proclamó Manuel Tapial. "¡Viva los turcos!", replicó el coro los concitados.

Sí, viva Turquía, que como todo el mundo sabe trata ahora a los kurdos con el mismo guante de seda con el que en su momento trató a los armenios... Todo un ejemplo, sí.

ACTUALIZACIÓN II. Encantadores, estos pacifistas, contestando "Volved a Auschwitz" y "estamos ayudando a los árabes a ir contra Estados Unidos; recordad el 11-S" cuando eran requeridos por radio a que no rompieran el cerco:

Lo del 11-S parece ser una constante.

ACTUALIZACIÓN III. ¿Véis cómo si se hacen las cosas bien no pasa nada, como no pasó con los otros cinco barcos que acompañaban el lunes al Mavi Marmara, como había pasado con muchos otros antes, y como seguirá pasando?
Las advertencias de la Armada israelí, finalmente, se han cumplido. El barco irlandés Rachel Corrie, después de haber ignorado un segundo llamamiento por parte del Ejército israelí de desviar su rumbo hacia el puerto de Ashold, ha sido asaltado por la armada. La operación, según las informaciones facilitadas por Israel, ha sido pacífica y se ha desarrollado sin incidentes.
ACTUALIZACIÓN IV. El New York Times reconstruye el asalto:
It was just getting light when the Turkish boat, packed with 546 activists, descended into chaos, and Mahmut Coskun, a Turkish doctor on board, was in the middle of it.

The crack of an Israeli sound grenade and a hail of rubber bullets from above were supposed to disperse activists, but instead set them in motion. And when three Israeli commandos slid down ropes out of helicopters to take over the ship, a crowd set upon them.

“They ran at them without pause or hesitation,” Dr. Coskun recalled.

One soldier was stabbed and two were beaten. From that moment on, the attempted takeover turned into an armed assault, with angry Israeli commandos opening fire. Within an hour, the commandos had taken control of the ship, and nine Turks, including one who also had American citizenship, were dead.

[...] In Israel, ideas on how to halt the boats — sabotage of propellers or engines, the use of ropes or chains — were examined, military officials say, but all were rejected as dangerous or impractical. Disabling a huge boat like the Mavi Marmara could lead to its sinking or to days of towing it to shore.

The best option, they asserted, was a takeover of the command of the boats, something Israel had done a year ago during an attempt by a smaller vessel. This time, though, because the lead boat was so large, the Israelis would have to descend by helicopter rather than approaching only by sea, costing them the element of surprise. Some American naval experts interviewed agreed that as long as Israel insisted on stopping the Mavi Marmara, its best option was a takeover.

[...] As the flotilla approached, the commandos were briefed not to react to spitting and curses and were trained to go on board carrying large paintball guns, instead of their usual automatic weapons, and pistols, to be used only as a last resort.

On the morning of the raid, confusion ruled. The first soldiers who rappelled down the ropes appeared disoriented and frightened, Dr. Coskun, the Turkish witness, said, slipping a bit on the dewy deck and calling out in English, which Dr. Coskun said few Turks understood.

Of the two ropes that were dropped simultaneously from the helicopter, one was grabbed by men on board the boat and tied to an antenna, Israeli officials said. The pilot released it to avoid being tethered to the boat, and the commandos then slid down only one rope, slowing the incursion and leaving them vulnerable.

Some of the activists, hearing the pop of the plastic bullets and the sound bomb, believed they were being shot, according to witnesses, including some wounded now in an Ankara hospital.
[...] On the main boat, live gunfire began when reinforcements descended — Israel says when the fourth commando saw an activist pointing his comrade’s gun — and terrifying scenes of panicked chaos unfolded on all levels of the Mavi Marmara for nearly an hour. Video taken from its surveillance cameras reveals jerky images of passengers dragging the wounded down staircases. A woman in a head scarf carried a stretcher soaked in blood.
ACTUALIZACIÓN 5. Había traducido demasiado deprisa lo que dicen los muchachotes pacifistas en el vídeo de la Actualización II. La realidad es mucho peor: no dicen "estamos ayudando a los árabes a ir contra el 11-S", como había escrito inicialmente, sino ""estamos ayudando a los árabes a ir contra Estados Unidos; recordad el 11-S".