lunes, mayo 02, 2011

[Actualizado 7 veces] BINGO: Osama bin Laden ya está en el paraíso con sus huríes. Sin duda una buena noticia por la que alegrarse, aunque no me deja de chirriar un poco ver esas manifestaciones de alegría en las calles; parece más un espectáculo propio de la llamada "calle árabe" tras algún atentado, sin ir más lejos el 11-S. Llamadme tibio si queréis, pero una cosa es alegrarse privadamente (no hay duda que el mundo ahora es algo mejor que ayer), y otra ponerse a saltar como si se hubiese ganado la Champions.

ACTUALIZACIÓN. A esto es a lo que me refiero. (via)

ACTUALIZACIÓN II. Más detalles en la transcripción de la rueda de prensa que  han mantenido altos funcionarios de la Casa Blanca.

ACTUALIZACIÓN III. Prensa de kalidá:


ACTUALIZACIÓN IV. Y más detalles:
The President wasn’t 100% certain bin Laden was in the compound. No one was. The operation was a surgical raid by a small team designed to minimize collateral damage and pose as little risk as possible, to Pakistani civilians in the neighborhood, senior administration officials said.

The SEALS raided the compound. A firefight ensured. Bin Laden fired back, as did others in the compound.

After 40 minutes of fighting, bin Laden, two couriers, and one of bin Laden’s adult sons were killed, as was a woman used as a shield by one of the male members of al Qaeda. Two other women were injured.

During the raid one helicopter was lost due to mechanical failure. The aircraft was destroyed by the crew.

Carrying bin Laden’s dead body, the SEALS boarded the remaining helicopter to exit the compound.

White House national security staffers had been in the Situation Room since 1pm ET. At 2:00pm the President met with the Principals to review final preparations.

At 3:50pm the President was told bin Laden had been tentatively identified.

There was jubilation in the White House once the helicopter returned to Afghanistan.
Seguid leyendo.

ACTUALIZACIÓN V. Interesantísimo el relato del New York Times.

ACTUALIZACIÓN VI. No menos lo es el de la cadena ABC.

From Ghazi Air Base in Pakistan, the modified MH-60 helicopters made their way to the garrison suburb of Abbottabad, about 30 miles from the center of Islamabad. Aboard were Navy SEALs, flown across the border from Afghanistan, along with tactical signals, intelligence collectors, and navigators using highly classified hyperspectral imagers.

After bursts of fire over 40 minutes, 22 people were killed or captured. One of the dead was Osama bin Laden, done in by a double tap -- boom, boom -- to the left side of his face. His body was aboard the choppers that made the trip back. One had experienced mechanical failure and was destroyed by U.S. forces, military and White House officials tell National Journal.
Boom, boom.