martes, julio 19, 2011

BRENDAN O'NEILL sobre la cacería contra Murdoch:
[W]hat we are witnessing in Britain is a media coup led by a tiny gaggle of illiberal liberals. This not a mass movement for change, still less is it something akin to the collapse of Stalinism in Europe in 1989. Rather, the anti-Murdoch moral crusade represents the convergence of various minority interests, and the biggest loser won't be Murdoch but media freedom.

So many commentators have allowed themselves to be swallowed by schadenfreude that they have lost the ability to step back and ask: what is motoring this crusade and what will its impact be?
Desde luego lo que mueve a los cazadores no siempre es esa noble preocupación por el periodismo de calidad sino viejas rencillas o rivalidades empresariales. Además de ese elitismo que quiere decidir lo que es periodismo de calidad y lo que no lo es, y que pretende otorgar carnets y prebendas. Leedlo entero.