jueves, mayo 06, 2010

President Obama's deadline for closing the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay expired 102 days ago, and Attorney General Eric Holder has now admitted that at least 40 detainees will be held indefinitely, without trial.
¿Habéis oído recientemente alguna queja sobre el agujero negro de los derechos humanos, vergüenza de la humanidad y la democracia bla bla bla?

Yo tampoco. Qué rápido se ha desvanecido la indignación una vez se fue Bush.

Además: "Obama and Holder have repeatedly acknowledged that America is "at war," as did Congress by invoking the War Powers Resolution by a combined vote of 519-1 on Sept. 18, 2001. And the Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that this war is governed by the Law of Armed Conflict -- which permits detention without charge or trial for the duration of hostilities.

Indeed, detaining enemy combatants for the duration of hostilities without charge or trial is a long-recognized and lawful practice. Thus, the United States held more than 400,000 German POWs (and many Italians, too) at detention camps spread across 40-plus states -- without lawyers, charges or trials -- until World War II ended.

Before citing the 1949 Geneva POW Convention, critics should be aware what they actually say. Article 84 states: "A prisoner of war shall be tried only by a military court." And Article 97 says: "Prisoners of war shall not in any case be transferred to penitentiary establishments (prisons, penitentiaries, convict prisons, etc.)." [Emphasis added in both cases.]

It is only because terrorists like Khalid Sheik Mohammed & Co. don't qualify for full Geneva protection that we have the legal option of trying them in domestic courts.

But exercising that option is clearly unwise."

Leedlo entero.