domingo, mayo 30, 2004

¿FUNCIONARÍA EL EXPERIMENTO en España, convenientemente adaptado? Stephen Pollard ha encontrado un método infalible de dejar sin palabras a los contrarios a la guerra de Iraq:
[A] chap came up to me and said, oh so penetratingly (because I've never heard this one before, oh no): "How come you're still a Blair supporter, after all you've said about the need for getting rid of the NHS [nota: el equivalente británico a la Seguridad social]?"

When I gave him my answer, he simply stood there, silent. And then he started to talk gibberish. I told him, you see, "Because of Iraq". I explained that Blair had shown himself to be one of the most admirabe leaders on the planet in facing down the de facto supporters of Saddam and those who would rather surrender to terror than fight it. And then I said that relatively trifling matters such as the structure of health care were of no consequence given the stakes involved in the war on terror and that Blair needed and deserved the support of anyone who believes in preserving Western civilisation.

The reaction was priceless. After what seemed like thirty seconds of silence, he said, "So you mean you're a Blair supporter because of Iraq, not in spite of it?". When I nodded, he started mumbling. When I walked off, he was still at it. He's probably there now, just as bewildered.


Harry Hatchett dice que le funciona siempre. (Nota para impermeables: tanto Stephen como Harry son dos especímenes de esa izquierda a favor de la guerra, esa izquierda tan ausente por nuestros lares pero de la que hay muy notables ejemplos en el resto de Europa; se ve que el dogmatismo funciona no solamente en algunos temas).