martes, junio 08, 2004

"LOS IRAQUÍES ESTÁN EN CONTRA". Unas breves citas procedentes de declaraciones oficiales, destinadas a quienes sigan repitiendo el mantra:
I would like to record our profound gratitude and appreciation to the U.S.-led international coalition, which has made great sacrifices for the liberation of Iraq.
Iyad Allawi, nuevo primer ministro.
Before I end my speech, I would like us to remember our martyrs who fell in defense of freedom and honor, as well as our friends who fell in the battle for the liberation of Iraq.
Ghazi al-Yawer, nuevo presidente.
We Iraqis are grateful to the coalition who helped liberate us from the persecution of Saddam Hussein's regime. We thank President Bush and Prime Minister Blair for their dedication and commitment.
Hoshyar Zebari, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores ante el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.

¿Alguien las ha visto reproducidas, o mínimamente referenciadas, en los medios de comunicación del país?