lunes, agosto 09, 2004

LOS EUROPEOS COMO APÉNDICE CULTURAL de las refinadas élites progresistas de Manhattan, Boston o Los Angeles. Es una de las principales tesis de este apasionante artículo (¿cómo podría ser de otro modo?) de Victor Davis Hanson:
McDonald's is prominent among the stylish cafés of Luxembourg. Dubbed-in "Friends" and "Jerry Springer" blare from hotel televisions. Bare navels, Ray-Bans, pierced everything, and baggy jeans suggest a studied effort to emulate the look of Venice Beach. For a bewildered American, the key in squaring the anti-American rhetoric with the Valley Girl reality is simply to understand Western Europeans as elite Americans. Their upscale leisured culture is not much different from Malibu, Austin and Dupont Circle, that likewise excuse their crass submission to popular American tastes through the de rigueur slurs about the "corporations," "Bush-Cheney," and "Halliburton." Perhaps this notion that Europe itself has become a cultural appendage of the U.S. explains why it views our upcoming election as a referendum on its own future as well.
Europa está siguiendo las próximas elecciones presidenciales norteamericanas con una intensidad desconocida, anhelando una victoria de Kerry que dé un giro total de las relaciones transatlánticas, escribe Hanson, pero avisa de lo muy confundidos que están quienes a este lado del charco confían en el efecto casi taumatúrgico de una eventual victoria del senador de Massachusetts.

No os perdáis ni una línea.