viernes, agosto 12, 2005

ESTABA CLARO que antes o después... :
Bill Dalrymple, 56, and best friend Bryan Pinn, 65, have decided to take the plunge and try out the new same-sex marriage legislation with a twist -- they're straight men.

"I think it's a hoot," Pinn said.

The proposal came last Monday on the patio of a Toronto bar amid shock and laughter from their friends. But the two -- both of whom were previously married and both of whom are still looking for a good woman to love -- insist that after the humour subsided, a real issue lies at the heart of it all.

"There are significant tax implications that we don't think the government has thought through," Pinn said.

Dalrymple has been to see a lawyer already and there are no laws in marriage that define sexual preference.

"We heteros haven't done a great job with marriage as it is," Pinn said.
Via Megan MacArdle posteando como invitada en Instapundit esta semana, que se sorprende de lo antediluvianos que suenan los proponentes del matrimonio gay en Canadá cuando han sabido de la idea de estos dos tipos.

Yo sólo puedo decir: je.