MOHAMMED, de Iraq The Model, ha estado en Cairo asistiendo a una conferencia, y a algunos les sorprenderá -a otros no nos sorprende tanto- se ha sentido menos seguro allí que en Bagdad:
It may sound a bit odd but that's really what I felt in Egypt that I don't feel in my war-torn city; for the first time in 3 years I felt the restrains of government…I told one of my colleagues I feel safe in Baghdad despite the dangers, I may feel afraid of terrorists or random violence but I never fear the government and that's not only how I feel, Iraqis are not afraid of expressing their differences with the authority because we in Iraq have more or les became part of that authority the day we elected our representatives while terrorists and militias are nothing more than temporary phenomenon that unlike constitution and elections have no solid foundations.ACTUALIZACIÓN. Mucho más sobre la seguridad en Iraq, que está infinitamente mejor de lo que indican los medios de comunicación, en Gateway Pundit, Daily Dispatch e IraqPundit. No os lo perdáis, y veréis nuestros periódicos y televisiones con otros ojos.
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